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Free shipping on orders over $50 in the crystal shop section
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By booking an appointment, you are agreeing to all terms of the waiver and disclaimer on this page.
By communicating with Transcending Light and Love, LLC and/or including their agents, employees, officers, directors, employers, and any other person associated with Transcending Light and Love, LLC (herein after referred to cumulatively as “TLL, LLC”), or scheduling or requesting any services offered by "TLL, LLC”, and/or paying for any services they offer, you are stating that you have read this disclaimer and terms of service, and that you understand, willingly enter into, accept and agree with all sections herein.
“TLL, LLC”, is dedicated to the privacy of their clients and guarantees that all sessions will be held in the strictest of confidence between the reader / reike master / intuitive counselor and client unless otherwise permitted by the client. Any and all correspondence between yourself and "TLL, LLC." is intended for your personal use only.
I acknowledge that “TLL, LLC” will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions made by recipients based on information provided during readings. These readings are for entertainment purposes only. All information and/or advice given to you by “TLL, LLC” should not take the place of any medical, legal, financial, psychological, or any other professional advice given to you by any qualified professional.
“TLL, LLC” offers a high level of accuracy in their readings, and has experience interpreting the spiritual messages and energy vibrations they receive, but 100% accuracy can never be guaranteed. “TLL, LLC” is merely a pathway of information between two points and therefore, cannot guarantee that we will connect with a specific person or animal that has crossed over. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee all specific questions you may have will be answered by our guides. Our job is to help direct and relay messages given to us by "Spirit", to you, through our gifts. Your own free will, choices and decisions you make, and the nature of life itself, can alter the course of your path, future and destiny. Please note, anything that can be foreseen can be changed, improved, or prevented by choices of your own free will.
On a rare occasion, we may not connect with you. If that is the case, we will inform you and terminate the call, chat or in-person session. Please have an open mind during the call or chat. Respect is important for all parties involved and it is important that we treat each other with kindness.
I acknowledge that “TLL, LLC” is a Certified Reiki Practitioner and is in private practice for the purpose of providing mental/emotional/physical and spiritual support using Reiki Techniques. I also acknowledge that “TLL, LLC” is not a group of medical doctors or mental health care professionals, and accordingly cannot and will not provide me with medical advice or psychological advice. I will rely on my own medical practitioner, or mental health professional, for medical or psychological advice. I will rely on "TLL, LLC" only for the sharing of important skills and tools involved in increasing my mental/emotional/physical and spiritual awareness through the transfer of loving and compassionate energy.
“TLL, LLC”, are support people who have been attuned to provide Usui Reiki treatments. They will respond to my inquiries by providing positive reinforcement and appropriate feedback. I acknowledge that is my overall responsibility to advise “TLL, LLC” with respect to my levels of comfort or discomfort, and any other information, which might influence their support of me.
I recognize that Reiki is only one factor in the management of my health. I also recognize that ultimately it is up to me as to whether I choose to follow the sharing of information and skills provided by “TLL, LLC” and that it may be advisable to consult with my medical or mental health professional prior to so doing.
Please get permission first from “TLL, LLC” before recording a session, thank you! If you do record a session, you agree that you will not manipulate the recording or dub it to make “TLL, LLC” say things that they did not say or twist their words around. Also, “TLL, LLC” DOES NOT give permission for you to broadcast your session on the Internet, a podcast, YouTube or anywhere else without their express written permission.
All content included in or made available by any “TLL, LLC”, and through our website, including text, images, graphics, logos, digital downloads and audio clips is the property of "TLL, LLC". Logos and names contained within this site are the property of “TLL, LLC” and may not be used in connection with any product or service, nor used in ANY manner whatsoever.
Appointments are required. If you are seeking a phone, Zoom or Skype session, completed payment is required at the time of scheduling. We cannot guarantee your appointment will still be available unless payment has been made. Also, please be mindful of your session time. “TLL, LLC” will not go over and will end the session on time. Please be respectful of the time that you paid for and free minutes or extensions will not be given unless you pay for extended time.
Cancellations should be made 48 hours prior to an appointment, but no less than 24 hours prior, to reschedule an appointment. There will be no refunds for cancellation of any kind. “TLL, LLC” will do our best to reschedule your appointment at a convenient time for you, however, dates and times are not guaranteed.
In the event of inclement weather or illness, in-person sessions can be done via Zoom, Skype, or over the phone at the time of your scheduled appointment. If distance healing is something you’re uncomfortable with, Reike sessions will be rescheduled.
You understand and hold harmless “TLL, LLC” from any and all claims, actions or damages, legal and otherwise, made by you or anyone associated with you including the cost and expense associated with defending such actions or claims. On behalf of yourself, your assigns, heirs, executors, guardians, and all other legal representatives, hereby release, discharge, waive, and forever relinquish “TLL, LLC” from any and all known or unknown claims resulting from, arising out of or in any way connected with information you may or may not receive during your voluntary participation in a reading with “TLL, LLC” and further agree that under no circumstance(s) will you, or any other person associated with you as a result of your reading attempt to present any claims against, prosecute, sue, seek to attach any lien for any purpose including satisfaction of a judgment or other judicial decree, to the property of “TLL, LLC”, and you hereby waive all claims, demands, compensation, and all actions that you, anyone associated with you or any other participant in the reading currently or hereafter may have for any injuries or perceived injuries or perceived or real losses you may suffer or believe to suffer because of or during your participation or involvement in a reading resulting from any actions, statements, answers to questions or omissions made by “TLL, LLC”.
You must be 18 years of age to use this service, or have written consent from a parent or legal guardian.
You understand and agree to the statements above. You are also aware that fees for service must be received at the time of booking.
Transcending Light and Love